Awareness and education is an important part of stopping domestic or sexual violence against women in our tribal communities. Native Women’s Society of the Great Plains provides awareness with booths at major events where there is high attendance. More than 400 people visited our booth during the 36th Annual Black Hills Pow Wow in Rapid City, where thousands gather every October. Another 300 visited our booth at the 47th Lakota Nation Invitational in Rapid City, where thousands come to watch high school sports, student contests and attend educational and healing conferences.
Besides informational brochures and literature, incentive items are given out to visitors, such as promotional bags, cardboard fans, device holders, gloves, keychains and others. This year, an awareness wheel was added, where visitors can spin and answer questions about domestic and partner violence and get a small gift. Promoting awareness helps break the silence and stigma around violence against women, raises issues of the impact of the violence and helps debunk misconceptions and encourage conversations. Information shared at our booths can help better equip individuals on the realities of domestic and sexual violence, seek help and support.
