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Promoting activities during Domestic Violence Awareness Month creates awareness

October is observed nationally as Domestic Violence Awareness Month and each year Native Women’s Society of the Great Plains supports awareness with their membership programs and by sponsoring events.

For two years, Native Women’s Society membership has sponsored a walk in downtown Rapid City, SD during the annual HeSapa Wacipi (Black Hills Powwow) held the at the city’s civic center area. Thousands attend the annual pow wow and the participation in the walk and speaker’s event is well attended. Both years beautifully designed tshirts were given out to those that came to walk and to listen to guest speakers.

During the 2022 pow wow event, NWSGP membership hosted a traditional dance special for women ‘Violence Against Women is Not Traditional – Even in Thought Respect Women’ where more than a 100 women participated.

It is encouraged to not only have a walk but promote education on the devastating effects family violence has on children and families.

Domestic Violence Awareness Month is observed to mourn those lost to abuse, celebrate survivors, and network for change. This national event takes place each year during the month of October to connect advocates working to end violence within the home. Family violence is a serious public health issue that impacts survivors on a physical and mental scale. While the effects of violence can be devastating, they are preventable. Not only do domestic violence programs play a part to ensure that relationships are healthy, respectful, and nonviolent for everyone but community is a part of the education.

Events can range from walks to feed and should raise awareness of domestic violence and its impact on individuals, families, and communities take place throughout the year.

Violence in the home, especially constant violence, causes health issues to survivors, including children. It can eventually lead to chronic pain, heart and lung issues, diabetes and other health problems. The trauma eventually causes these health issues when there is not enough healing.

Native Women’s Society of the Great Plains is a tribal coalition of tribal organizations on the Northern Plains that work together to end domestic and sexual violence in their communities, promoting advocacy to survivors to keep them safe and help them heal.

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